Grilled Cheese Academy – Bronze Butter Knife Winner
I am pleased to announce that I was recently chosen as Grilled Cheese Academy’s Bronze Butter Knife Winner. Exciting, right? Well what does this all mean? I was chosen as one of the eleven finalists over hundreds of grilled cheese sandwich submissions. Yes, hundreds. I am humbled by the experience to say the least. I only happened to submit the recipe for my Korean Grilled Cheese Sandwich when I revisited the Grilled Cheese Academy website. If you have never visited their site, it is a must. It is really well designed, and showcases Wisconsin cheese. Did I mention the sandwiches? The voice over and imagery is really top notch.
Third place winnings resulted in some really fantastic gifts. I can only imagine what first and second place winnings were, and I congratulate those who did win. Their sandwiches look pretty darn great. The Van Gosh smoked gouda is phenomenal, and the blue cheese made my entire house smell really amazing, well at least to me. My daughter had asked if someone did not clean their feet or something. That was funny.
I was provided a basket full of awesome Wisconsin cheese. We’ve only made a small dent in the cheese thus far, however I will admit that the Widmer’s one year old cheddar was nothing short of amazing.
Another great gift was a gift card to Williams-Sonoma, a store that I really like, however cannot afford much of their bakeware, and small appliances. I was able to browse through the store for a good hour looking for things that I did not already have. I love all of their small gadgetry, however I had much of it already.
I was able to get a new cookbook called Jeruselum, a book I had my eyes on for some time now. I was also able to update my pepper grinder by OXO, and get a magnetic knife bar for some of my knives. I love the magnetic strip, and who knew that my wife and kids would immediately notice when they walked in the door?! I also picked up a couple of really cool Kilner clip jars for my macerated cherries or other fun things.
Overall, it was a very fun and exciting experience, and who knew this would be my second winning in recipes submission? If you don’t recall, I’m also featured in Food52’s cookbook for their best meatloaf, the meatloaf with blackberry barbecue sauce. With this type of luck, maybe I should start playing the lottery!