Simple Pumpkin Pies
Let’s face it, sometimes we just do not have all the time in the world to get something to the table. As much as I love making recipes by hand, I recently found that some store bought items go a very long way. I might have mentioned recently that my wife has been craving pumpkin pie, just craving it. My first reaction was to use the pumpkins that I recently harvested from my backyard, but did not know if they were good eating pumpkins. My second reaction was to get her a frozen pumpkin pie. My last idea was to bake her a pumpkin pie, and make it my way, if you will. My idea won.

Not sure if anyone has recently seen at the local stores, but canned pumpkin has been missing, due to a shortage. When I first saw the sign at the store, I was a bit in shock, after all, it is pumpkin season, is it not? Remember, my wife has been craving pumpkin pie. So, with that said, and as much as I frequent the local store, I was checking the baking goods aisle close to a daily basis. I had to cure that craving. Low and behold, one afternoon, canned pumpkin was stocked, and I made sure to grab a few cans.
Now, sure, I think canned pumpkin, taking shortcuts on what grandma might take a half a day to make, and don’t get me wrong, my default is to go that route, but one day I overheard some elderly ladies at the store, having this same discussion, and they both were saying that canned pumpkin was the way to go due to the intensive labor pains of making the pumpkin mixture. So with that said, some times you have to take shortcuts.
Lets get started on these simple, and delicious pumpkin pies.
- 12 oz evaporated milk
- 15 oz can of pumpkin
- 3/4 cup of granulated sugar
- 1/2 tsp salt
- 1 tsp ground cinnamon
- 1/2 tsp ground ginger
- 1/4 tsp ground cloves
- 2 whole eggs, beaten
- 12 mini graham cracker crusts
- Whipped Cream, optional
Preheat your oven to 425 degrees.
Begin by mixing your dry ingredients in a small bowl. Once mixed, take a smell. It should remind you of this wonderful season of Fall. Next, get a larger bowl out, add the beaten eggs, the canned pumpkin, and the sugar mix. Mix well, while at the same time adding in the evaporated milk. Continue to mix.
Place each graham cracker crust onto a baking, sheet, six to a sheet. Ladle into each graham cracker crust the pumpkin mixture, close to the top, and place into the preheated oven for 15 minutes. After the 15 minutes, reduce the heat to 350 and cook for an additional 45 minutes. Remove the baking sheets and let cool for about 1 hour before serving.
When you are ready to serve, remove the tin around the graham cracker crusts, add a spoonful of whipped cream, and dig in.
This was such a huge hit, and not only did I satisfy the craving my wife was having, I was also able to get my kids to try and love the pies. That is a winner in my book. Hope you enjoy.