Open-Faced Liverwurst Sandwich
You know I am a big fan of pork, right? I’m sure you do. Often times my recipes evolve around bacon, or some variant of pork, and this recipe is right up there with the rest of great pork recipes. It’s liverwurst. I know what you are already thinking. Some strange childhood memory of the smell, or texture, or maybe even taste of liverwurst.
Two words; grow up. I recall when growing up watch my friend Paul graze on liverwurst, or Braunschweiger on crackers for a late afternoon snack. I always thought he was crazy for eating that stuff, but now I realize that Paul was on to something.
Liverwurst, as strange as it sounds is simply delicious. Liverwurst, in a nutshell is pig livers, a ton of great spices, and possibly some onions and other ingredients. I was fortunate enough to make this recipe using Nueske’s smoked liver sausage which has their great, and famous apple wood smoked flavor.
Ingredients: [Print this Recipe]
- 4 tbsp liverwurst, per sandwich
- 1 tbsp dijon mustard, per sandwich
- 1 slice, large marble rye bread, cut in half
- 1/2 slice of Swiss cheese, per sandwich
- Red onion, thinly sliced, to your liking
- 1 pickle slice, per sandwich
Start by smearing the mustard onto your bread. Add a slice of Swiss cheese, then spread on the liver sausage. Top with very thinly sliced red onion, and top with a pickle.
That’s it. Very simple ingredients, however extremely complex flavors. Each bite packs this delight like no other. All worries about liverwurst go down the drain. That smokey, creamy texture is just balanced so well with the spicy mustard, the bite of the red onion, then the pickle that just brings it all back together.
Try this. You will love it, and you might just want more and more of that liver sausage as the week goes on. Enjoy!

I love liverwurst — fresh or smoked. Put it on some bread with butter and onion and you have a great sandwich. It’s hard to convince my friends, though. More for me, I guess… Thanks for promoting liverwurst!
Sue Ames
love liverwurst but since it’s not the healthiest so I only eat it 3 or 4 times a year and I’m due.
Sam Litzenberg
Liverwurst on the Pumpernickle Rye with hot pickle pepper relish, mayo and a slice of onion is to die for!! Maybe some thin sliced fresh ripe tomatoes with salt and pepper. Doesn’t get much better than that. Maybe some very rare thinly sliced roast beef, too!!
Sam Litzenberg
Nueske’s has about the best liverwurst I have ever tasted. The apple-smoke does it. It also make a fantastic liver pate’. Mix a chunck of the liverwurst with a touch of mayo, some DiJon mustard and the pickle-pepper relish. Some garlic pdr. All to taste. Spread on toasted french bread points or rye bread squares. Touch of chopped parsley on top. Great appetizer with cocktails or beer!!
dancing kitchen
I am always old school with liverwurst. Yellow mustard, a pickle and a thick slice of liverwurst on rye. I crave it about twice a year.