Soda Fountain® Malted Milk Powder – Product Review
I’m always open to trying out new products and giving my honest opinion. I think it is helpful to all of you, as well as the product provider. It was not long ago when I was approached to try a product from CTL Foods, Inc. based out of Colfax, Wisconsin. I was all for trying their Soda Fountain® Malted Milk Powder, and granted they are not local in the sense, however four hours north of me, so even more excited to try another Wisconsin product.
I was sent 2 pounds of their malted milk powder, which was based on all natural ingredients. A cute product shot of some classic kids sharing a malt was on the front of their label, which immediately reminded me of a great classic malt. Now if you have never been from Wisconsin, we are known for a few things, and custard is one of them. Custard like you will not find anywhere else in the country, and this season is ice cream, and custard season in my house. My kids pretty much have it for dessert a few times a week, so this was a great time to have them taste what a classic malt tastes like.
One of my lucky kids got my good old mustache drinking class, actually it was my daughter, just to add a bit more fun into the mix.
The recipe calls for the following, of which I stuck to, however you can get as creative as you want as noted on their label.
- 2-3 scoops of any flavor ice cream (I used vanilla)
- 3/4 cup of cold milk
- 2 heaping tbsp of Soda Fountain® Malted Milk Powder
Start by adding everything to a blender, and blend until thick and smooth.
I made one for each of my kids and got their reactions. It took them a while to react because they sat there slurping and spooning the delicious malt for about 5 minutes, rarely coming up for air.
Their result was a two thumbs up. It was really their first malt (I think) they have ever tried, and they fell in love. Something they will continue to drink whether summer, fall, winter, or spring. If you are looking for a great malt product, give this a shot. Their products are sold online at http://www.ctlfoods.com/malted-milk-powder/.
For one lucky, and random winner, I have a 1 pound Soda Fountain® Malted Milk Powder to give away. Send me an email to daxphillips@gmail.com no later than August 24, 2014. I will then provide a random drawing and get one shipped out to you.

One Comment
Dax Phillips
Melissa was the lucky winner this time around. Enjoy your soda fountain malted milk powder while summer is still left!